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                   Trabajo Social Hoy is a trademark registered in the Spanish Office of Patents and
                   Trademarks, entry number 3028044/3.

                                        Social Work Today is a professional magazine published by the Official Col-
                                        lege of Social Work of Madrid since 1993. The main purpose of this maga-
                                        zine is to disseminate scientific studies and professional experiences related
                                        to Social Work. With this publication, it is intended to create a space for col-
                    Subject matter and   laboration, development and learning of Social Work professionals, in pursuit
                    scope of the journal  of an evolution of the principles and general knowledge of the discipline and
                                        the profession.
                                        Since 2004, the Journal has been available in digital format and in open ac-
                                        cess, with all content available free of charge for readers. The publication of
                                        this is quarterly, with three issues a year.

                                        The contents of the journal are divided into the following sections:

                                          ƒ  Dossier. A special section included in some issues, consisting of several
                                           articles on a particular subject.
                   Type of works accepted    ƒ  Items of professional interest. Articles about research projects or reviews
                                           of books.
                                          ƒ  Intervention and professional practice. Articles that describe intervention
                                           programmes, real cases and practical experiences.
                                        Brief contributions

                                        Professional information

                                        1.  Texts are received at the following e-mail address:
                                  They are to be accompanied by a letter of
                                           presentation in which the sender requests review of the article for pu-
                                           blication in the appropriate section of the journal. It should be expressly
                                           mentioned that the work has not been published or disseminated else-
                                           where and that for purposes of publication it is being sent only to the
                                           journal Trabajo Social Hoy. The letter must be signed by the authors of
                                           the manuscript.
                   Selection process
                   (The selection of articles
                   and other contents   2.  Upon receiving the original manuscript in electronic format, the secretary’s
                   follows the protocol set   office of the Professional Association of Social Workers of Madrid’s publi-
                   forth below)            cations department will confirm that the manuscript has been received,
                                           indicating, if necessary, any changes that must be made in the presenta-
                                           tion format, in the event that the manuscript does not fulfil the require-
                                           ments specified in the Instructions to Authors section.

                                        3.  After receiving the article, the secretary’s office of the publications de-
                                           partment will anonymize the texts, making sure that the authors’ name
                                           and details are not visible during the manuscript’s evaluation.

                  TRABAJO SOCIAL HOY 3.   Cuatr. 2021, n.º 94 [131-148] ISSN 1134-0991   139

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