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                                        1.  The authors of articles that have been accepted for publication can also
                                           send a version in a language other than Spanish, and such translation
                                           will be published in the digital journal in PDF format.

                                        2.  The pages of the journal Trabajo Social Hoy are open to all types of con-
                                           tributions: articles on research conducted, systematic reviews of bibliogra-
                                           phy, reflective pieces, practical experiences, special collaboration projects
                                           and other sections, such as brief contributions or any text that may be of
                                           interest and meets the minimum requirements needed for publication.
                                           Preferably the articles will be send in Spanish, but also allowed English
                                           articles. Preferably the article will be sent in Spanish, but also it will be
                                           allowed in English.

                                        3.  The works must be sent to the e-mail address
                                           in Word (.doc or .docx), specifying in the subject line “submission publication
                                           TSH” plus the contents of the issue number in which you wish to publish
                                           it. The submission must be accompanied by the letter of presentation,
                                           a form for which is available on the Association’s web page, at www.
                   Instructions to Authors
                                        4.  By submitting the article, it is assumed that you understand and accept
                                           these instructions as well as the publication guidelines.
                   (Before sending the
                   manuscript, authors   5.  The manuscripts must be no longer than 30 double-spaced pages in
                   should confirm that     Times New Roman, size 12. Each article must include a 5-10 line abs-
                   the subject matter fits   tract and five key words that identify the contents of the text (to facilitate
                   with the themes and     preparation of the journal’s table of contents).
                   contents of the journal.
                   Manuscripts not having
                   the appropriate subject   6.  The manuscript must include the information and pages in the order
                   matter can be rejected   indicated below, all in one file. On the first page will appear the title
                   without evaluation)     of the article, in Spanish, followed by: the abstract, also in Spanish;
                                           key words, in Spanish and English; names and surnames of all the
                                           authors; full name of the institution in which the authors work; e-mail
                                           addresses of all the authors, with one of them also including corres-
                                           pondence details (postal address, telephone, fax). On the second
                                           page the text of the manuscript will begin.

                                        7.  The article will be accompanied, in a  separate  document,  of  a  let-
                                           ter of presentation (please use the form provided on the web page,
                                     , and on this journal).

                                        8.   Manuscripts must be unpublished. The signatories of the article respond
                                           that it has not been published or sent to another journal for publication.
                                           If it is an article already published, this circumstance will be recorded
                                           in the work and will be sent accompanied by the authorization of the
                                           corresponding entity for its possible reproduction in Social Work Today.

                                        9.   All articles must be written subject to inclusive, non-sexist and egalitarian
                                           language, through which all readers feel identified, represented and, in
                                           no case, excluded from the reading or research process.

                  TRABAJO SOCIAL HOY 3.   Cuatr. 2021, n.º 94 [131-148] ISSN 1134-0991   141

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