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                                       10. The manuscripts must not have been previously published. The person
                                          signing the article will be held responsible for the article not having been
                                          published before or sent to another journal for publication. If the article has
                                          been published, this must be mentioned in the article, which should be ac-
                                          companied by a document -issued by the appropriate body- authorizing its
                                          possible reproduction in Trabajo Social Hoy.

                                       11. All the bibliographical references must be cited in the text. The use of
                                          footnotes is to be avoided, so references must appear within the text.
                                          Such citations must be inserted inside parentheses, indicating the sur-
                                          name of the author in upper case, followed by the year and page number
                  Instructions to Authors   of the publication, for example (Fernández, 2012, p. 23). If two or more
                                          references have the same author and year of publication, they will be
                                          distinguished from each other by lower case letters next to the year,
                                          inside the  parentheses  (García,  2008a). The documents  with two au-
                                          thors will be cited using the two surnames linked by “and” (Sánchez and
                                          Torre, 2010). For references with more than two authors, the citation will
                                          be abbreviated, indicating only the surname of the first author, followed
                                          by “et al.”(Payne et al., 2003). When the citation is of an author cited by
                                          another author, the following structure is to be used (Serrano, 2005 cited
                                          in Pérez, 2010).

                                       12. When the article uses an acronym to refer to a body or group, the group’s
                                          full name must appear the first time it is mentioned in the text.

                  13. The bibliographic references will follow the APA norms, according to the alphabetical order according
                      to the surname of the authors. If an author has different works, they will be arranged in chronological
                      order. In the same way, and taking into account the representativeness of women in the Social Work
                      profession, it is recommended to include the two surnames of the referenced authors (whenever this
                      is possible and they are known), with a perspective of gender throughout the authorship process and
                      recognizing the hierarchical socially constructed relationships between genders.

                    ƒ  For journal articles:
                     Deusdad, B., Moya, E.M., y Chávez, S. (2012). Domestic Violence Against Migrant Women at the
                     Border: The Case Study of El Paso, Texas. Portularia, XII, 13-21. doi: 10.5218/PETS.2012.0002
                     If the article also has a DOI (Digital Object Identifier), it is added at the end.
                    ƒ  For a complete book:
                     Fernández, T., (2012). Social Casework. Madrid: Alianza.
                    ƒ  For book chapters:
                     Carvalho, M.I., y Pinto, C. (2014). History of social work in Portugal. In T. Fernández y R. De Lorenzo
                     (Ed.), Social work. A global history (pp. 307-333). Madrid: McGraw-Hill Education.
                    ƒ  For an article in a newspaper or mass media publication: if the article has no author, for purposes of
                     alphabetical order, the first important word is considered (“economic” in the example):
                     The economic crisis. (2012, Enero 27). El País, p.21.
                     For an article in a newspaper or mass media publication: if the article does have an author:
                     Millás, J.J. (2012, Agosto 26). It makes you want to die. El País weekly, p.11.
                    ƒ  For serial reports or studies:
                     IMSERSO. (2009). Report 2008: Older persons in Spain. Madrid: Observatory of elderly. IMSERSO.
                    ƒ  For electronic media in Internet:
                     INE (2011). Living Conditions survey. Madrid: National Institute of Statistics. Extracted January 12,
                     2012, de

                 142                        TRABAJO SOCIAL HOY 3.   Cuatr. 2021, n.º 94 [131-148] ISSN 1134-0991

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