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                                                       Title of article:
                                 REVIEW                Fecha de envío al evaluador/a:
                                                       Date on which article is sent to reviewer::

                   1. Title of article
                   Confirm that the title fits subject matter. Analyse
                   possibility of changing it.

                   2. Abstract and key words
                   All articles must have an abstract and key words.
                   The abstract must be no longer than ten lines and
                   there should be a maximum of five key words.
                   The abstract should be a well-structured and well-
                   written summary of the article.

                   3. Content of the manuscript

                   The content must be original, new and of interest
                   to the publication. Check that the subject matter
                   falls within the journal’s scope. The manuscripts
                   must be no longer than 30 double-spaced
                   pages in Times New Roman, size 12.  Suggest
                   the journal section in which the article might be
                   included. Correct spelling mistakes and point
                   out paragraphs or sentences that are difficult to
                   understand or are not sufficiently clear.

                   4. Exposition of ideas
                   The text should discuss the ideas in a clear
                   manner, following a logical structure. The writing
                   style should be appropriate and fluid. The sections
                   should appear in a suitable order. The study
                   should be well planned on the methodological
                   level. Findings should be presented correctly. The
                   conclusions should be faithful to the contents of
                   the text. The various sections should be similar in

                   5. Citations

                   Confirm that all the references appearing in the
                   text follow APA format (see journal’s publication
                   rules) and that all of them appear in the

                  TRABAJO SOCIAL HOY 3.   Cuatr. 2021, n.º 94 [131-148] ISSN 1134-0991   149

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